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:: BellHouse [236 KB]
BellHouse PRO
includes 5 styles:

Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black
(please click on style to see the sample)

BellHouse PRO | €125 EUR
5 styles - Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black

Font Format :: OpenType
End User License :: 5 computers
Delivery by :: FTP download
zip file less than 1 MB)

Supported languages:
-- all West European languages as:
Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English,
Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian,
Indonesian, Norwegian, Portuguese,
Spanish (trad.), Swedish;
-- all Central European languages as:
Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian,
Estoniana, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish,
Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian/Latin;
-- all Cyrillic languages as:
Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian,
Russian, Serbian/Cyrillic, Ukrainian;
-- Turkish;
updated 10/19/07