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Unicode Font Mapper (UFM) utility
for WINDOWS 9x/2000/Me/NT/XP

Product description
How to use the Unicode Scripts (Code Pages)
Activation of the Code Pages
Product description

UFM utility

click on image to see main UFM Window
With UFM utility you can activate/deactivate and display the Cyrillic, Central European, Baltic, Greek, and Turkish code pages included in a single True Type font installed in Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP. After such of activation the non-Unicode based applications in Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP system can use properly the additional Code Pages(Cyrillic, Central European, Baltic, Greek, Turkish) included in a font style and the associated languages, see the next table:

Windows CP Supported languages

Central European

Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian/Latin;
Cyrillic Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian/Cyrillic, Ukrainian;
Greek Greek (monotonic);
Turkish Turkish;
Baltic Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian

Attention !!!
-- MS Office97/2000/XP users:
MS Office97/2000/XP applications use the Unicode based TrueType fonts directly.
-- Netscape/Mozilla products:
Netscape/Mozilla applications use the Unicode Based TrueType fonts directly.
-- Adobe PageMaker 6.x and QuarkXpress 3.x, 4.x users:
You can use Unicode based TrueType fonts only if you activate the additional code pages with Unicode Font Mapper program.

-- Currently tested applications, which work with all activated code pages for Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP are:
Adobe PageMaker for Windows - all versions;
QuarkXpress for Windows - all versions;
CorelDraw all versions.
Adobe Illustrator v. 7.x, 8.01 currently does not support additional code pages in the TrueType fonts and in this case the UFM utility is not useful.

How to use the Unicode Scripts (Code Pages)?
The best solution is Font Mapper!

Windows Applications and the Unicode Scripts
The section below is for True Type Unicode based fonts with more than one Code Page in a single font.

Applications with UNICODE support
Currently in Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP some applications support fully the Unicode True Type fonts. Full support means, that the applications have direct access to all included characters in the Code Pages in one font style at once. Applications with full Unicode support are: the MICROSOFT OFFICE 97/2000/XP applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook; ADOBE InDesign 1.x. 2.0; the NETSCAPE Navigator / Communicator, Internet Explorer etc. When you work with this applications, switching the keyboard layout to new one from different language script, automatically order the System to switch the Code Page in the font. The System can determine which Code Pages a specific font supports and the application uses the appropriate character set.
Find out more information about:
Code Pages

Applications without UNICODE support
Applications as ADOBE PageMaker 6.5 / Illustrator, QuarkXPress 4.0, CorelDraw 9 and older, etc. at the moment do not support direct access to all characters in the style. You can use Unicode based TrueType fonts with such applications only if you activate the Language scripts. To use the advantages of Unicode True Type technology we have created a special utility Unicode Font Mapper (UFM).

Using the Unicode Font Mapper (UFM) utility

non active scripts

picture 1

active scripts

picture 2

When you start the UFM in the font window are listed all the installed TrueType fonts with extended Unicode support. If you double click on the font name, below of the selected font name will be shown all available code pages for that font.

The Code Pages are non active when the box left of the code page name is unchecked (picture 1).

The Code Pages are active when the box left of the code page name is checked (picture 2).

Available Code Pages
active scripts

picture 3
Activation of all available code pages for a font (with the check box left to the font name).

active scripts

picture 4
Activation of the separate code page.
Activation of the Code Pages

When you open the list of available code pages, you can activate separate or all code pages by checking the check box left to the name of the desired code page.

For example if all additional Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP code pages (Central European, Cyrillic, Greek, Turkish and Baltic) are available for the selected font you can activate only the Cyrillic code page by clicking the check box left to the name "Cyrillic".

Closing the Unicode Font Mapper (UFM) utility
When you close the application Unicode Font Mapper, the application will save the changes, you have made in the WIN.INI file and in the registry settings. For proper working with all versions of the Windows the system must be restarted. You can restart the Windows after you have finish your work and exit any active application.

- restart Windows!
Windows OS, versions 2000 and XP does not need to be restarted, after activation/ deactivation of the font code pages, but we recommend restart for proper work with this fonts.

picture 5
The PageMaker 6.5 Plus Font menu when additional Code Pages are activated

picture 6
The PageMaker 6.5 Plus Font menu when additional Code Pages are not activated
Using the activated Code Pages

When you reboot the Windows system in the applications font menu will appear the abbreviated names of the code pages as follows:
CE for Central European code page;
Cyr for Cyrillic code page;
Greek for the Greek code page;
Tur for the Turkish code page;
Bal for the Baltic code page;

In the Font menu of the application you will see the Font name e.g. TemporaUNI plus the script name:
Bal for Baltic
Cyr for Cyrillic etc.

OpenType PRO
HermesSOFT currently offers
special OpenType PRO fonts.
See details ...

Font Utilities
These language resources,
utilities, and macroses
give you the troubleshooting
help you need.
Find out more ...

Expert Support
Improved support
for multi-lingual problems
on Macintosh and Windows.
See Details ...

Old Cyrillic and Glagolitic
Description of the Font Set
Main Advantages
Enablers. See Details ...

updated 10/18/07